From the course: The Data Game of Fantasy Football

Course organization

- [Narrator] This course has four chapters. Depending on your level of expertise and perhaps your level of fantasy football stress, you're probably looking for a quick fix. So here's a quick guide to this course. If you're a beginner, chapter one is essential. Actually, even fantasy veterans might gain some insight on the game they love. Learn about the game and start thinking about your role as a fantasy owner. We'll simplify the game and tell you about your biggest considerations and decisions. Chapter two is a must for everyone. Since your players are the ones that get you points and win games, success in the draft is essential. We'll help you manage your scope. We'll give you some simple draft prep tips, and then we'll give you some slightly more advanced tips. After the draft, you'll be ready for chapter three. This chapter will give you advice for managing your week-to-week activities during the season: setting starting lineups, picking up new players, and preparing for the playoffs. Just for your sanity, you may want to rewatch these videos during the season. Have you ever thought about running your own league, or have your friends nominated you to be the league's commissioner? If so, you'll want to watch chapter four. Actually, even if you aren't a commissioner, it's a great chapter to better understand the league you play in. We'll take a deeper dive into scoring, rules, and communication within the league. By the end of this course, you'll realize that every fantasy football league is its own little economic and social environment where data drives behavior. So find the chapter for you, and dive right into this course.
