From the course: The Data Game of Fantasy Football

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Basic draft preparation

Basic draft preparation

- [Instructor] The draft is only hours away, I didn't prep. I need to be at least a little bit ready. Does that sound familiar? We've all been there before. Right now you're at level zero preparedness, let's get you to level one. Let's pull together a number of different possible resources. First, download some cheat sheets. They're all over the internet, some are good, some are not. Typically you're hosting site will have some and now a days there are entire sites dedicated to Fantasy Football analytics, they also have cheat sheets. Plus you have your traditional media sources they love to post cheat sheets too. You might be saying, "Cheat sheets, really?" In the old days I'd tell you that cheat sheets are garbage, but the revolution is over and the analytics people have won. While some of those lists are subpar any serious cheat sheet is now influenced by analytics. Second, search NFL Depth Charts. In some cases the cheat sheets are days or weeks old. Having access to an up-to-date…
