From the course: Teaching with Technology

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Why use technology to facilitate interactivity?

Why use technology to facilitate interactivity?

From the course: Teaching with Technology

Why use technology to facilitate interactivity?

- Why should we use technology to facilitate interactivity? This chapter will introduce technology strategies that enhance and supplement traditional teaching and learning strategies. Overall, there are quite a few reasons or benefits to consider. But I'll name just a few. Increased participation. Increased engagement. Increased community. And increased flexibility. Let's start by looking at how technology can increase participation. How many students typically participate on a regular basis in your classroom. Usually there are some extroverts, active learning, or confident students who represent most of the responses to your questions. On the other end of the spectrum we often find introverts, reflective learners, timid students, or students from cultures that do no promote participation. If you have no other reason to teach with technology then consider this. Technology enables 100 percent participation on a regular basis. Here are some examples. Use clickers or clicker apps to…
