From the course: Teaching with Technology

What you should know before watching this course

From the course: Teaching with Technology

What you should know before watching this course

- For this course, we're going to take a buffet approach. I've put together a wide variety of technology integration dishes, and you get to pick the ones that look tasty or interesting. Whenever possible, I'll give alternatives to meet any dietary or technology restrictions you might have. Just keep in mind that as we go through the buffet we'll investigate technologies and teaching practices that go well together. However, I won't always be able to show you how to cook each dish with step-by-step instructions. If you become interested in a topic that I don't cover in detail, has several courses that compliment this one, such as "Up and Running with Twitter," and "iPad Classroom: Apps for Educators." Needless to say, there is an entire universe of topics we could cover related to teaching with technology. Since most of you don't have weeks or months to dedicate full time to this course, we're only going to cover about half a galaxy. Better yet, that galaxy is not far, far away. It's right in your pocket and on your computer. Seriously though, since I can't list how every technology fits within every teaching scenario, I'll model how to look at a teaching or learning strategy and determine which technologies might enhance it or advance it. There are no prerequisites to participate in this course. No matter where you rate yourself on the expert-novice continuum, there should be plenty of technology integration strategies for you on the buffet table. If you have already started using technology with your students, that's okay. This course will provide you with new ways to think about picking a technology to use, as well as new ways to use those technologies for teaching and learning. If you're just getting started with technology, that's okay too. Remember that your students may know how to use different technologies, but chances are they don't know how to use them for learning. I suggest going through the chapters in this course sequentially. If you're a non-linear thinker, then you might start with the first two chapters then jump around to chapters that cover an area that's less familiar to you. For topics that are more complex, and have many examples, I've provided exercise files. I'll mention them at the time, and tell you where you can find them. At the end of each movie, I'm going to ask you to reflect on how you'll implement what you've learned. It's a good idea to brainstorm while the concepts are fresh in your head. By the end of the course, you'll have gone through dozens of in-person and online strategies for sharing content, facilitating activities, and assessing learning. Pick your favorite and start there. The buffet is open 24/7 so you can always come back for more.
