From the course: Teaching with Technology

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Using clickers to assess learning in the classroom

Using clickers to assess learning in the classroom

From the course: Teaching with Technology

Using clickers to assess learning in the classroom

- In the chapter about facilitating in-class activities, we looked at a few ways to use clickers or clicker apps. Some teachers also use them for assessment of knowledge, skills and attitudes. The value of these clicker-based assessments ranges from no-stakes classroom assessment techniques to low-stakes quizzes to high-stakes midterm and final exams. Use a background knowledge probe to assess students' recall or understanding of required prior knowledge or recent class topics. Create a low-stakes clicker quiz to see what students remember from previous lectures or prerequisite courses. Here you can see some example questions using Poll Everywhere, a clicker-type app for which students submit responses from their mobile devices. You can also use clickers to assess students' abilities to solve problems. In the movie on active learning, I outlined an activity called Think-Pair-Click. That activity is designed for students to help each other improve their problem-solving skills. The…
