From the course: Teaching with Technology

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Facilitating team projects

Facilitating team projects

- We've looked at collaborative learning and small group work in the classroom, but sometimes team projects require students to work together outside of class. Sure, you can give students time in class to work with their teams, however, that may not be enough time to finish the project, or your class meetings may be booked solid with other activities. There are plenty of online tools that would let students work together, but which one is best? It may even be more than one tool. Let's look at just a few of the tasks that a team perform throughout a project. Discuss the project or ask questions. Conduct research and share it. Make collaborative contributions. Create drafts. Provide peer review. Track individual and team progress. Showcase the final product. And evaluate both product and process. Of course, it helps if students can complete multiple team project tasks using a single technology environment. Let's not make that a requirement, though. Instead, let's pick the best tools for…
