From the course: Teaching with Technology

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Facilitating peer-review activities

Facilitating peer-review activities

From the course: Teaching with Technology

Facilitating peer-review activities

- When it comes to assessment there are really three or even four possible sources of feedback and scoring. You the instructor are the most obvious evaluator. In some cases, an expert or professional may review student work performed in the field. The students themselves may conduct a self-assessment, often with your help or encouragement, and last but not least students may conduct a peer review of each other's work, again often with your guidance. It's this last category peer review that we'll focus on here. Usually peer review starts by providing students with the same rubric or guidelines that you'll use for grading. Peer review works for many assignments such as written assignments, research papers, creative works of some kind, presentations, or other projects. A simple way to facilitate the process is to use a discussion forum. Along with clear instructions provide a rubric template for students to download. Students or groups submit their drafts for review as a new thread in…
