From the course: Teaching with Technology

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Enabling study groups

Enabling study groups

- In this course, there are several movies that outline ways to support collaborative learning with technology. Most of those methods involve direct involvement or at least indirect involvement by you, the teacher. Now, we'll look at virtual study groups. You might be asking, why virtual study groups? Let's face it, today's students need flexible solutions. Whether your school or college is urban or rural, there are students who travel a long way to get to face-to-face classes. At San Francisco State University, we have students who drive one to three hours from around the Bay area, and students who take that same amount of time commuting on public transportation. Don't even get me started about parking. Most students have commitments that reduce their free time, such as athletics, internships, jobs, and taking care of children or family members. These issues of time and place make it difficult for students to return to campus. Virtual study groups can provide opportunities for those…
