From the course: Teaching with Technology

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Choosing appropriate technologies to share content

Choosing appropriate technologies to share content

From the course: Teaching with Technology

Choosing appropriate technologies to share content

- There are a gazillion technology solutions out there that we can use to create, find, and share content, specific devices, software applications, mobile apps, websites, environments, online tools, and more. Rather than show you that ABCs or an alphabetical list of every technology out there, I'll show you the XYZs, a 3D framework for choosing technologies. I've provided an Exercise File in the Chapter 3 folder called XYZ Content Framework so you can refer to it during, or after, this movie. The three dimensions of the framework narrow your technology choices by answering three common questions. On the x axis, we answer, where are the learners? On the y axis, we answer, when are they learning? On the z axis, we answer, how many learners are there? Let's look at these three dimensions in more detail, then we'll use the framework to help choose technologies for specific situations. The x axis looks at where the learners are. At one end of the spectrum, they're in a specific physical…
