From the course: Teaching with Technology

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Assessing teaching effectiveness

Assessing teaching effectiveness

From the course: Teaching with Technology

Assessing teaching effectiveness

- It doesn't matter if you teach in elementary, secondary, or higher education. There's an official evaluation process for you as the teacher. In K12, the process usually involves one or more observations by an evaluator. In higher ed, it's usually one end of term survey answered by the students. In several movies throughout this course, we've looked at the importance of promoting self assessment for student self awareness. Now it's your turn to consider self assessment to increase your own awareness of what works well, and what's not there yet. For K12 teachers, it might be interesting to learn what the students are feeling. I've mentioned classroom assessment techniques before. One of those techniques is called the One-Minute Paper. The students' individual responses help them identify gaps in their own learning, but collectively they help you identify problem areas for multiple students. Ask students to list three things about a lecture or class activity, all in one minute: One…
