From the course: Teaching with Technology

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Assessing student presentations

Assessing student presentations

From the course: Teaching with Technology

Assessing student presentations

- Many teachers believe student presentations or performances help students demonstrate knowledge or skills, but don't always have enough class time for each student or team to present. Here's where technology can help. Virtual versions of student presentations make it possible for student self-assessment, peer review and instructor grading all in the same space. You'll still create a rubric or a set of guidelines to assess the work, but it can help move the process online. Depending on your goals or discipline you can ask your students to record their presentations using different media formats such as audio files, videos, screencasts, or online presentations with audio comments. Audio files are an effective medium for assessing skills in disciplines like language or music. To collect them all in one space you can ask students to share the audio files in Google Drive, SoundCloud or Box. If you want them to own their files, they can share links to the files through a blog or forum…
