From the course: Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Exam Tips

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Risk identification, monitoring, and analysis

Risk identification, monitoring, and analysis

- [Instructor] The third domain of the SSCP exam, Risk Identification, Monitoring, and Analysis, makes up 15% of the questions on the test. The information that you learn in this domain is important, because it will put you in a position to help your organization approach security proactively. Mature security teams manage risks before they occur. And in this course, you'll learn how you can reduce the probability and likelihood of a security incident. This domain has five objectives. The first objective of this domain is that you understand the risk management process. You'll learn about risk visibility and reporting, risk management concepts, risk assessment, risk treatment, and audit findings. In the second objective, you'll learn about the legal and regulatory concerns facing security professionals, including jurisdiction and privacy. In the third objective, you'll learn how to perform security assessment activities,…
