From the course: Sustainable LGBTQ+ Allyship

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Ungender, Listen, Mirror, Repeat

Ungender, Listen, Mirror, Repeat

From the course: Sustainable LGBTQ+ Allyship

Ungender, Listen, Mirror, Repeat

- So you're doing a great job using words like partner instead of making assumptions about people's loved ones. Then you find yourself at a work party with your coworker, Joe, introducing you to his husband. Now, what do you do? A, you should stick with partner when you refer to Joe's loved one. B, you should switch to husband when you refer to Joe's loved one. C, you should say, "Nice to meet you," quickly escape to the bar and avoid Joe for the rest of the evening. The answer is B, switch to husband. We should mirror the terms that people use for themselves and their loved ones. This is how these two tips, ungender your language and mirror terms, should be used in the real world. If you know nothing about a person or their family, start by using ungendered terms so you're not making assumptions. For example, "Hey, Tamika, we're having a work party on Saturday. Partners are welcome." Partners being the…
