From the course: Sustainable LGBTQ+ Allyship

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Norm-busting words

Norm-busting words

- Throughout this course, I've been using the word cisgender. If the sex that you were assigned at birth matches your gender or who you know yourself to be, then you are cisgender. I suspect most of you taking this course are cisgender. It's more common than being transgender. Many people wonder why the word cisgender is necessary. You may meet people who are irritated by this term and say things like, "I don't believe in labels, I'm just human." It's a little embarrassing to admit it, but I had a similar reaction when I first learned the word neurotypical. If you aren't familiar with the word neurotypical, it's defined as someone with typical neurological development or functioning. In other words, someone who isn't neurodivergent. I'm neurotypical, and I was even before there was a word for it. But when I first heard the word, I remember thinking, "Really, who's making this stuff up?" "How can I be something I've…
