From the course: Sustainable LGBTQ+ Allyship

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Coming out: A better metaphor

Coming out: A better metaphor

- Can you sit down for a moment? I've got something I need to tell you. There's something I've known about myself for a long time and I thought you should know. I'm straight. My guess is that those of us who are straight and cisgender or not transgender have never had to have this conversation with anyone. The reason being that our orientation and gender are always correctly assumed. We're basically out without having to tell anyone because it's what's expected. According to our society and culture, we're on the right course. What this means for our LGBTQ+ friends, of course, is that they're on an unexpected or wrong course. I hope I live to see a day when it'll be as easy to come out as LGBTQ+ as it was for me to come out as a straight, cisgender person. In other words, it won't be necessary at all. People will remain open to the possibility that a child or an employee might be straight or gay or any other identity…
