From the course: Surfacing an F1 Wheel In Alias

Setting up projects on a Mac - Alias Tutorial

From the course: Surfacing an F1 Wheel In Alias

Setting up projects on a Mac

- Let's take a look at how to set up projects on a Mac. Download the exercise and source images folder onto your desktop. You can work directly from the desktop, grabbing each file as needed. Simply go to File, Open, navigate to the Desktop, Chapter one, wire, and simply open the file. Another way to do this is to select all the folders and drop them into the user data location on your hard drive, which is the default installation path and correct project location for Alias. Let's go to Desktop. Select the folders. Let's copy them and then go to user data and simply paste them into that location. Now if we go to File, Open, navigate to user data, Chapter one, select the wire file, and say Open to that, you'll notice now that if I say File, Open again Alias defaults to user data, Chapter one, wire. Now when we're ready to move onto chapter two, go to user data, select Chapter two, open up that wire file as well. Again, if we do File, Open, you'll notice that Alias will default to chapter two. Let's start with the shelf. So here's the shelf, and to activate it, we're just going to go up to Windows, Shelves, and just make sure it's selected On. Now if you want to use these particular options, just right click here and say replace shelf. Now depending on how you've set your project, you can go to Desktop, Chapter one, miscellaneous data, and F1 Shelf.sem. Simply just open that. You can also go to replace shelf, user data, Chapter one, miscellaneous data, F1 .sem. Now once you've set your shelf up or customized it, it's a good idea to save it. So right click and we'll say Save Shelf. Now this time, Alias will default to the correct location, which is under Alias, User Preferences 2015, Shelves, Default Shelves. Give it a unique name and save. Once you've saved it, it's a good idea to email that to yourself so that you can always access it when you're offsite or at a remote location. Let's do the same for marking menus. As you can see, I'm using my own unique marking menus. You can use mine and customize them or just use your own right from the beginning. So let's go to Preferences, Marking Menus, and it's the same process, right click, replace shelf. We can go to Desktop, back to miscellaneous data, Marking Menu Shelf.sem. Open that. Or we can replace shelf. We can go to user data, miscellaneous data, Marking Menu Shelf.sem again. Same thing, we're going to save this again. It's going to go to the default location, which is Alias, User Preferences, Shelves. Give it a unique name. Email it to yourself so that you can access it again from a remote location.
