From the course: Street Photography: The City at Night

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Zeroing out camera settings after a complex shoot

Zeroing out camera settings after a complex shoot

From the course: Street Photography: The City at Night

Zeroing out camera settings after a complex shoot

- I wanted to give you some advice. This comes from a photographer who has made every conceivable mistake in the book, and when you're a night shooter, and especially tonight, I changed up my cameras in ways that I don't normally do. I've learned the hard way that it's best to zero out your camera at the end of the day, so that the next day, you're not shooting with bracketing on, or exposure compensation at minus two and all that kind of stuff. I've done it all, maybe you have too. So, I think, especially when you're shooting at night, because you're going to be making changes that maybe you wouldn't normally make during the day, it's really important. So, here tonight, I did notice that I had bracketing on. So I want to make sure bracketing is off because if I leave bracketing on, I'll be bracketing all day and that's pretty annoying. My exposure compensation to get the right exposure was at minus 1.7. I'm going to zero it out. I love Auto ISO. Auto ISO just works for me. It thinks…
