From the course: Street Photography: The City at Night

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Shooting subject at night on the beach

Shooting subject at night on the beach

From the course: Street Photography: The City at Night

Shooting subject at night on the beach

- Well when I was shooting on the boardwalk, when I glanced over behind me at the moon and the water, the beautiful Atlantic Ocean, I saw the reflections - Ooh, that's nice - in the water of the moon. - beach there. - But most importantly, what really caught my eye, well there were some people there. It's pitch-black. So on spec, I just ran. I hoofed it to try and get there because for me the most interesting thing was to find some people to have as kind of foreground elements for that scene, so I kind of ran awkwardly as fast as I could to get there. And once there, (camera shutter clicks) I waited for people to go by, to walk past that moonlit thing. It's so dark that it's going to challenge the autofocus, which it did. (camera shutter clicks) I had to manually override a little bit. These autofocus systems are so good, but when you're shooting at night sometimes, there's no substitute for manual override. So if your eyes are not that good, you might want to have your glasses there…
