From the course: Strategies to Foster Inclusive Language at Work

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Replacing he or she

Replacing he or she

- Are you up to date when it comes to English pronouns? They may seem innocuous and dull, but in fact pronouns can be profoundly meaningful. By the end of this lesson, you'll be able to describe why pronouns are important and some challenges you might face when using the pronouns they and them. Not everyone fits neatly into what's called the gender binary. In other words, not everyone is either female or male. Some people have a male gender identity, some people have a female gender identity, and some people have a different gender identity, such as nonbinary. Inclusive language accurately reflects reality and doesn't erase people. But only saying she or he to refer to a single person doesn't reflect the reality that many people are not definitively female or male, and only saying she or he erases people who are non-binary or who have other gender identities. Throughout the years, several pronouns have been created…
