From the course: Strategies to Foster Inclusive Language at Work

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Presenting your own pronouns

Presenting your own pronouns

- Being inclusive means using the pronouns she, he, and they appropriately. How can you learn which of these pronouns is the correct one to use with someone? And how can you also avoid forcing people to out themselves? In this lesson, I'll walk you through the best ways to talk about and present pronouns so you can start making more inclusive choices. One great way to make everyone feel seen and included is to make it standard to present your English pronouns. If only unusual people talk about their pronouns, then talking about pronouns acquires the flavor of being weird. I've heard from many people who use the pronouns they/them that it can feel really awkward and uncomfortable being the only one talking about it. It can be especially uncomfortable to break into silence around gender and pronouns and be the one starting a conversation. The subtle message is that they are different and that normal people don't have to talk…
