From the course: Strategies to Foster Inclusive Language at Work

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Perspective taking

Perspective taking

- Have you ever found yourself thinking, well, I wouldn't mind if someone said it to me. This response can be a real blocker to inclusive language and is usually a failure of perspective taking. After this lesson, you'll be able to apply best practices for perspective taking to your own interactions. Perspective taking is a cognitive skill that involves projecting into another person's point of view. If you're on the autism spectrum, it'll probably be harder for you to do perspective taking. That's because your mirror neuron system doesn't activate the same way that it does for neuro-typical people. So you'll have to do some additional work to make sure you really are deploying the skill correctly. There are two major components to perspective taking. Step one is a role switch. Here, you look at the situation from the other person's perspective. You're saying something like, if it was me in that position, how would I feel?…
