From the course: Strategies to Foster Inclusive Language at Work

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Optimizing workplace culture

Optimizing workplace culture

- When it comes to culture, the very best places to work all have a few things in common. I'm talking about places where people are excited to go to work, where they feel energized by their colleagues, where they feel like they're really accomplishing things. In this lesson, I'm going to share with you three important components of what I call the optimized workplace culture. Afterwards, you'll be able to explain why inclusive language is central to creating this kind of environment. First, in an optimized workplace, everyone feels seen, heard, and valued, and this requires inclusive communication to make sure people aren't forgotten or talked over and ignored, to make sure their work is recognized. For example, some people who speak English as a second or third language can take a bit longer to process language in meetings, especially when it comes to figuring out what they want to say. Meetings that move at too…
