From the course: Strategies to Foster Inclusive Language at Work

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Language that reflects reality

Language that reflects reality

- Instead of creating word lists that are constantly changing, you need a toolkit that lets you analyze language and decide if it is inclusive or not. And I've got that toolkit for you. It's my principles of inclusive language. I've developed these principles after years of research and work with clients to de-bias their language. In this lesson, I'll lay out two of my principles of inclusive language so you can start to apply them to your own communication. The first is that inclusive language accurately reflects reality. This may seem obvious, but it can actually be pretty subtle. I grew up in the United States, and my whole life I heard about the European invention of the printing press, how the first printed book was "Gutenberg's Bible" produced in 1452. So imagine my surprise when I learned a few months ago, this isn't true at all. Movable type was actually invented in China by Bi Shang sometime before 1050. And…
