From the course: Strategies to Foster Inclusive Language at Work

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Inclusive language evolves

Inclusive language evolves

- All languages change over time. If you grew up reading modern English, you don't expect to pick up a Shakespeare play and read it easily. And if you grew up speaking ASL, you don't expect to watch films from 1912 and understand everything. What's considered acceptable or inclusive language also changes over time. And a word that seems okay to use today might be unacceptable in just a few years. In this lesson, I'll show you why it's important to use the principles of inclusive language as your guide, rather than focusing on a list of bad words and good substitutes, which just isn't enough. In my work, I encounter people who are resistant to inclusive language. They don't see the need for it. They think people are being too sensitive, or PC. They'll say that someone is being too political, or playing the race card, or is overly emotional, but there's a real science to why some words fall out of favor and other…
