From the course: Strategies to Foster Inclusive Language at Work

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Framing and word choice

Framing and word choice

- I used to compare language to an iceberg, but now I like to compare language to a fungus. In this lesson I'll explain why the fungus comparison is so useful. I'll also show you how to look at hidden structures like semantic frames so you can make better word choices. Fungi may not be romantic or beautiful, but they're incredibly cool and interesting. When you see a mushroom above ground, it may feel like you're seeing an entire fungus, but in fact you're just seeing a tiny part of it. Underground, a fungus has an elaborate and sometimes enormous structure with interconnected networks. A word is like a mushroom, it may look like a complete entity, but it's actually just the visible part of an incredibly complex structure that linguists like me spend time digging up and analyzing. A single word especially a noun or a verb has a hidden structure called a semantic frame. Just one word can generate an entire scenario in your…
