From the course: Startup Stories: Selling $100K of T-Shirts with No Inventory

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Split-testing and optimization

Split-testing and optimization

(upbeat music) - [Narrator] So let's talk about what we can learn from this story. The reason I tell these case studies is to look at how somebody got an idea, how they made it happen, and what we can take away from it in our own ideas and what you might be able to take away from it in terms of your ideas for creating a money making project or doing anything else to increase your freedom, independence, your options, all good things, right? So first Benny had no email list, which is a major limitation in a lot of ways, but Benny's project directly addressed that limitation. And he only invested a very small amount of money in the beginning. In fact, he went very slow, $10 a day, a total startup cost of something like $210 over the course of what 21 days. Of course later he started spending thousands of dollars, then tens of thousands of dollars on ads. But he only did that once he was making more money than he was…
