From the course: SQL Server Intelligence: Cracking the Code of Enterprise Data

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The basic query structure and using aliases

The basic query structure and using aliases

- [Instructor] Okay, we are finally at the good part, where we are now able to compose, actually compose an SQL or SQL statement. So let's see how we do that. The first step is, in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, is to click on New Query. As we saw before, that starts up our new canvas. So a couple things I want to point out as we go along. We're going to be composing our SQL statement most importantly within what's called the best practice standard. So, to do that, I want to point out the first statement that we will use is called the USE statement. Now, I'll pause here for a sec and just point out we don't only have our database that we're interested in, which is the DigitalEvidence file. We also have other databases that reside on our server. And this is very, very normal, and you will see this most likely when you step into a real-world environment. You don't only have one database that resides on a given…
