From the course: SQL for Statistics Essential Training

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Load data into PostgreSQL

Load data into PostgreSQL

- [Instructor] I have pgAdmin started and I'm going to open the database and I'll enter the password for the database that I entered when I installed. Then I'm going to navigate down through database, postgres, Schemas, public, and Tables and I'll just open that and you'll notice there are no tables. Next I'm going to click on the Tools menu and select Query Tool. Now I'm going to switch to a text editor and this is a file which contains SQL commands that will create a table and insert some values for us. I'm simply going to hit Command + A and Command + C to copy the contents of this file. Depending on the editor you're using and the operating system you may have a different command but basically we just want to copy the entire contents of this table. And then we'll navigate back to pgAdmin and we'll paste the commands, we'll click the lightning bolt to execute, and that will execute the query. Now I'll go to Commands, Query Tool again, get a new query window and just type command…
