From the course: SQL for Statistics Essential Training

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Introduction to linear regression

Introduction to linear regression - PostgreSQL Tutorial

From the course: SQL for Statistics Essential Training

Introduction to linear regression

- [Instructor] Sometimes we need to make guesses about the future. For example, a business might want to estimate how many employees should be working on each shift after a big ad campaign. System administrators might believe their web servers will get a lot of traffic soon and they want to add servers to their clusters. But how many? These kinds of questions can be answered using data and techniques called regression. We'll focus on the most commonly used form of regression called linear regression. We can use regression when we have three things: a value that we want to predict, like the number of employees we'll need on a shift, or the number of servers we should add to a cluster; a known relationship between variables. We know that, with more employees, we can serve more customers and sell more products. Similarly, when we have more servers, we can handle more web traffic. Finally, we need data. Typically, historical data that gives us information about the relationship between…
