From the course: SQL for Statistics Essential Training

Installing PostgreSQL

- [Instructor] It's time to install our database. We'll be using PostgreSQL, also called Postgres for our work. Let's start at the Postgres org homepage. And now, I'm going to click download. There are a number of options for different operating systems. I'm working on a Mac, so I'll select the link for that option. There are several ways to install Postgres on a Mac and I'm going to use the EnterpriseDB interactive installer. It's easy to use and it's available for Mac, Windows, and Linux operating systems. I'm going to select version 9.6, because that's what I used to develop this course. And I'll select Mac OS X. And I'll start to download. Now that the Postgres package is downloaded, I'll open it and start the installation. And I'll double-click on the installer. And I will open. Now, I'll specify my password. And the installation starts. Now, if you have an existing installation, you will see this message, but you can ignore it and continue on. And again, if you have an existing data directory, you can ignore that and continue. And then, you'll be ready to install. Users installing Postgres on Windows for the first time may be prompted to create a password for the super user during installation. A fresh install will start here at the installing stage. While it's installing, I want to mention that one of the advantages of using the EnterpriseDB installer is that it will automatically install pgAdmin, a GUI admin tool that we'll be using. I don't need additional tools so I'll uncheck this box and select Finish. Now, let's start pgAdmin. And for that, I'll just type in the command, pgAdmin. You may see a message indicating that you're not running the latest version of pgAdmin. That's no problem, we'll just close that message. We can ignore that. And this is the pgAdmin workspace. I'll go into more details about this in the upcoming videos. And this will be where we will do most of our work.
