From the course: SQL for Statistics Essential Training

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Basics: Count, minimum, and maximum

Basics: Count, minimum, and maximum - PostgreSQL Tutorial

From the course: SQL for Statistics Essential Training

Basics: Count, minimum, and maximum

- [Instructor] Starting with pgAdmin open, let's select the Postgres database and the public schema, and then select the table that that we'll be working with. So I'll navigate to the left navigation pane. I'll open PostgresSQL 9.6, click on the Database, open my Postgres database and then go down to Schemas and select the Public schema. And then I'm going to be working with Tables mostly, so I'm going to open Tables, and I'm going to select store sales. Next I'm going to go up to the main menu and under the Tools menu I'm going to select Query Tool. This will open a Sequel query window. We do most of our work in a query window like this. This top of the window has an area where we will enter enter Sequel commands. The results of our queries will appear in the bottom panel. Let's type a simple select statement in the query window. In this case we're going to use SELECT * FROM store_sales. I'm going to click the Execute button which has a lightening bolts icon. This will execute the…
