From the course: Spring: Messaging with JMS

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Spring JMS basic connection, part 1

Spring JMS basic connection, part 1 - Spring Tutorial

From the course: Spring: Messaging with JMS

Spring JMS basic connection, part 1

- [Instructor] In order to start coding we'll begin with a spring boot app which I've already added the necessary boiler plate code. I've applied the necessary dependencies in the gradle build file. I'm using IntelliJ community addition but any IDE will do since our builds will be through the command line. I'm using the built-in terminal inside of IntelliJ. If your IDE does not have a terminal option, open the command line or terminal window and navigate to the directory where the application code can be found. We'll quickly build the application from the command line inside the base level of our application folder by typing gradle clean build. This will put the app in a state where all the dependencies are needed for the sample and will be downloaded and made ready for application. Looking at the build gradle file, notice the dependencies for activemq. I've said this is a Spring boot application and so certain assumptions are made for us like the presence of an activemq server. With…
