From the course: Spring Boot 2.0 Essential Training

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Containerizing Spring Boot applications

Containerizing Spring Boot applications

From the course: Spring Boot 2.0 Essential Training

Containerizing Spring Boot applications

- [Instructor] In today's world of containerization, Docker images are one of the most common build patterns for applications, and Spring Boot based applications are no different. Building a Docker image with Spring Boot is another one of those freebies you get from the Spring initializer. The build script, depending on your dependency management and build system of choice, provides a path to build an image. For Maven, you simply use the Spring Boot plugin with the build hyphen image goal. For Gradle, you can use the boot build image argument for the build command itself. As with any application framework or technology, you can always build a Dockerfile and control the actual life cycle of the Docker build process, which we will do together here in a moment. Now there are several reasons for doing this, but the primary reason is more control. You have control over how and what you put into your final image. You…
