From the course: Spring Boot 2.0 Essential Training

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Building Spring Boot applications

Building Spring Boot applications

- [Instructor] Building a Spring Boot application is a relatively simple process, but running it is a little bit different, in many cases, than a traditional Java web application, specifically around how you package and deliver that application. Building Spring Boot applications, again, are relatively simple because you're using the build systems in place from the dependency management systems. With Maven, you simply execute a Maven clean package command. With Gradle, you can use simple build commands defined in the Gradle file itself. Spring Boot, regardless of using Gradle or Maven, comes packaged with scripts that call into the build independency management system for you. Spring has some great documentation on using these on all of their examples on their website. Except for Docker, all these build systems build an executable JAR, assuming that that's your packaging type, or an executable WAR if that is your package…
