From the course: Social Selling: Reaching Prospects

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Using your own network

Using your own network

- This is where our social network really starts to bear fruit and deliver its value. Before, we were doing our homework on who knows who and mapping the route to that prospect. This time, we're using the same routes but to gather information that will be used when we actually do approach these prospects. So, what kind of things do we want to know? Well, it's anything that can help us sell to the prospect if and when we approach them. So, this stuff helps us quickly build a relationship through mutual interests and connections, uncover potential landmines, such as the prospect being very close to a competitor of ours, uncover potential hooks like a relationship deteriorating with that same competitor, or anything that can help us get through the door in the first place. So, what kind of things do we need to know for those? Firstly, information about how we get in front of the prospect, and secondly, information about…
