From the course: Social Selling: Reaching Prospects

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Looking at existing connections

Looking at existing connections

- So we've defined your ideal customer base. Now let's find those contacts and where better to stop than with your own existing connections? That could be by scrolling through your LinkedIn connections, looking through your phone book, or even by dusting off the old Rolodex. And then asking yourself, does anyone I already know fit this new criteria? They're the easiest people to target because you know them. The contact is warm. You know their current goals and pains. You could easily think of a reason to call. It's so simple. What's ridiculous is that these are the low hanging fruits and the quick wins salespeople so often miss. So let's get them in as soon as possible. And one more thing, these people also don't need to be the main targets we're looking for. They can be a friend or a colleague of those people and therefore a potential introducer to the person we're trying to get to. Or, if not, a source of…
