From the course: Social Selling: Reaching Prospects

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Choosing the right contacts

Choosing the right contacts

- By this point, we've done some really valuable work in focusing our mind and establishing our ideal prospects, but don't worry. The work of setting the stage is nearly over. Next, we just need to decide who, within those chosen businesses, we're going to target. Now, it's worth noting that these aren't the only people we're going to be speaking to. The very process of social selling requires we speak to as many people surrounding these key contacts as possible. They offer help with introductions and information. So these contacts are simply chosen. So we're setting a waypoint and not aimlessly walking around. So how do we choose our key target contacts? Remember, we've already been through the motions of analyzing your product and services value and matching that to who your target businesses should be. So repeat those steps, but to the people within those businesses. Start with what you already have and look for…
