From the course: Social Selling: Reaching Prospects

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Buying data

Buying data

- The last thing I wanted to touch on in regards to finding your targets is the option to purchase your data. If you have no existing connections yourself or within your network, and you're unable to find enough information through LinkedIn and other platforms, there are plenty of businesses that sell corporate data. You can buy whatever you want: employees and job titles, direct phone numbers, business turnover, number of employees, postal addresses. The list goes on. This is obviously much faster, doesn't rely on you having experience within the market, and contains some data you may not be able to get yourself, like direct phone numbers and email addresses, but this does come at a cost and sometimes accuracy isn't guaranteed. So once you've used a search engine to find a company you can use, how do you decide on what data to buy? Well, you can either request certain businesses, like everyone in your top 20, or go to…
