From the course: Social Selling: Reaching Prospects

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Asking your network

Asking your network

- The easiest contacts to target are contacts you have an existing relationship with. The second easiest are contacts your network has an existing relationship with. When it comes to a social setting strategy, the adage of don't ask, don't get rings truer than ever. Your network is an incredibly powerful tool that's taken time and potentially money to build and maintain. So we need to be getting that return on investment. Now, before we start approaching these people and asking for referrals, we need to have done our homework, and know exactly what their roots are. Then we can execute that plan. So when we're looking at our target prospects, we need to be mentally mapping out who you know that is connected to them in some way. This can be a very loose connection, like being acquaintances once at a networking event or it can be a strong one, like being best man at their wedding. At the moment, any connection will do. So…
