From the course: Social Media Marketing Tips

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- [Instructor] Google Trends is a great website for you to actually utilize to figure out what is trending in your niche at different times of the year. So let's say for example, you are in the cooking niche. You can actually search for terms related to cooking and really get a sense of what is trending, so that you can utilize that to your advantage when thinking up content ideas for the different months in the year. So this is a free platform that you can utilize and I highly recommend that you use it. So let's go ahead and type in cooking here and search for that. So by default it gives you results based on the United States, but you can click here and you can change this depending on whatever country you would like marketing data for. You can also change the period as well, so this is the past 12 months but you can change this to a custom range. You can go as far back as five years if you want to see if…
