From the course: Social Media Marketing Tips

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Content syndication

Content syndication

- Content syndication is a pivotal part of any great social media marketing strategy. Content syndication is when you take one piece of content and repurpose it so that it can fit on other social media platforms. When it comes to creating social media content, you have long-form content and you also have short-form content. An example of a long-form piece of content might be a video that you upload to YouTube. You can then take that longer-form content and break it down, maybe edit it, so that it fits platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram, or maybe even TikTok. You could also repurpose content with Instagram. When you create your Instagram Stories, Instagram allows you to download that content to your mobile phone. You can then use that Story on multiple other platforms. When creating your content marketing strategy for social media, you want to think about repurposing your content and keep that top of mind. What…
