From the course: Small Talk for Non-Native English Speakers

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Taboo topics

Taboo topics

- The idea of making small talk is to have a pleasant conversation with someone and hopefully, to make a good impression on them. If you want to achieve those aims, it's important to be careful about the topics you choose to discuss. You'll want to avoid controversial or taboo topics. Which small talk topics are taboo depends somewhat on the country you're from. Different countries have different taboos. However, there are some topics that are taboo in most countries. Here are some of them. You can find these and more on the worksheet called Taboo Topics. Politics and religion. These are issues that people may have very strong opinions about. If you start talking with a stranger or someone you don't know well about either of these topics and discover that you have completely opposing views, it could lead to an argument rather than a pleasant conversation. Health, sex and bodily functions are all topics to avoid in…
