From the course: Small Talk for Non-Native English Speakers

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Small Talk: An important skill to master

Small Talk: An important skill to master

- Many people dislike the idea of making small talk in their own language, they may feel shy about starting conversations with strangers or may simply think it's a waste of time. Nevertheless, small talk is a crucial part of doing business in many countries, so it's an important skill to master. If you have to make small talk in English when it's not your first language, this can be intimidating. However, if you listen carefully and ask good questions, you're already most of the way toward making a personal connection. Use good ice breakers, answer questions with enough detail to keep the conversation moving, and pay attention to the other person's body language. Know when it's time to end the conversation, and do so politely, so you can leave a positive, lasting impression on the person you are talking with. By following the tips and using the language explained in this course, you can ensure that your English small talk…
