From the course: Small Talk for Non-Native English Speakers

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Appropriate topics

Appropriate topics

- Small talk is expected in many business settings. But engaging in it doesn't come naturally to everyone. What should you talk about? What topics are acceptable? The answers may depend on where you are and where you come from. Here are some topics that are generally appropriate for small talk in a business context. It might be a bit of a cliché, but the weather is a common and safe small talk topic. Everyone experiences it, so it's an easy way to make a personal connection with someone. Because it's such a common topic, it's a good way to break the ice and start a conversation with someone. Just make sure you don't stay on the topic for too long, unless you're talking with a meteorologist. Your surroundings are another good topic. If you're at a conference or similar event, you can talk about the conference center, the city where it's located, or any interesting decorations in the venue for example. You might also…
