From the course: Small Talk for Non-Native English Speakers

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Active listening

Active listening

- Small talk is an opportunity to build trust and connections with people you don't know well or people you've just met. This trust is not built on the basis of what you talk about, after all, small talk is light, and generally, about unimportant topics. Instead, you build trust through the interaction itself. One of the best ways to show that you are trustworthy in a small talk conversation is by engaging in active listening. With active listening, you don't just listen to the words the other person is saying, but pay attention to the whole message that they're trying to deliver. When you engage in active listening, you make the other person feel that you don't just hear them, you understand them. As an added benefit, active listening may help overcome the language barrier. So how do you listen actively? First, pay attention, look at your conversation partner directly, pay attention to their body language. This can…
