From the course: Small Business Secrets

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Managing family and friends

Managing family and friends

Part of the challenge of working with family or friends in a small business, is that you have history together. You've known each other for lots of years, and sometimes that history, that, that intimate knowledge of each other, can get in the way of doing actual work. In the workplace. I'm going to share with you five tips that you can use to help you more effectively manage and work with family and friends. Number one, very important, is to keep the schedule. Both of you have time set aside where you're going to be meeting together. Now, often, in a small business, you'll be working so much. You'll be, you'll so busy. And because of that history that you have with each other. You think you know what's going on in the other person's head. Instead, take the time to meet and keep that schedule consistently. Number two, is to focus on actions and results. In particular, focus on actions and results verses making assumptions about the emotions that people have. Often, because we know…
