From the course: SketchUp: Rendering with V-Ray Next

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V-Ray light types: Mesh

V-Ray light types: Mesh

- [Instructor] In this video we're going to take a quick look at the last of the light types that can be accessed through the Vray Lights Toolbar and hopefully demonstrate just how easy it is in Vray Next to turn a piece of scene geometry into an actual direct light source. To do this, let's make sure that we're viewing the scene through the bed up close camera and that we have filtered for the lamp shade component over in the outliner, which are just regular geometric objects with nothing special added to them at this point in time. What this means though, if I just select each of them in turn, is that the convert to mesh light button on the light tool bar does now become active and able to be used on them as they are selected. Do be aware though, that the convert to mesh light option doesn't, at least currently, support either the nested groups or nested components. So we'll stay grayed out if any of those are…
