From the course: SketchUp: Rendering with V-Ray Next

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UV Tools

UV Tools

- Something that, for me at least, is often times made life difficult when creating materials and textures in SketchUp has been the lack of built in UV tools which could often times make the placing of photographic textures and patterns onto a geometric surface a bit of a hit or miss affair. Which is why the UV tools now found in V-Ray Next for SketchUp are a welcome sight indeed. As you can see in the current scene then, what we have are some very simple spherical objects that have had a checkered pattern material applied to them. Although clearly the pattern isn't sitting too well on the surfaces, with lots of seams or breaks in the flow being visible. Watch what happens though if I just select one of the spheres in the viewport. Right click on it and then from the V-Ray UV Tools fly out choose the Spherical Projection World option. And then come to the SketchUp materials tray and in the Edits tab, set the UV to a size of 4…
