From the course: SketchUp: Rendering with V-Ray Next

Using the materials UI

- [Instructor] As we are very obviously, going to be working with the current crop of materials found in V-Ray Next for SketchUp, it seems appropriate to start our material chapters with a quick overview of the material section in the asset editor, so that we're clear as to how everything is meant to be working there. To take a look at this, we will of course need to open up the asset editor window, which by default these days should open up with all inhabited tabs highlighted. And so we will need to click on the materials icon to isolate the material entrance. This being the very first option found on the toolbar. Now one of the most striking features in the material section of the editor interface is the shade of all preview that we can get to by hitting the expanding arrow to the right of the main asset editor panel. This even in its default state being extremely useful in the material creation process. Even better though is the fact that if I just click on the browse button, so the three little dots to the right of the preview, we also have access to custom made preview scenes that have been designed to help with the creation of specific material types. So if we are working on fabrics for instance, we have a preview scene with draped fabric geometry. If we are working on flooring, all terrain, or wall materials, then we have scenes that can help with those. And we even have a side lit version of the shade of all that can be used for creating translucent and all subsurface scattered materials. All of which, as we say, can be really, really, useful. We can stop and start the live preview in the window, if we're finding that this is getting in the way of our interactivity a little bit, meaning we can just render on command, if preferred. And, we can use a variety of resolution all quality settings. Below the shade of our window, we see all of the parameters for the currently selected material, this being the one currently highlighted over in the left hand pane of the material editor. And we also have the option to switch between basic and advanced settings for the material, should we want, or need to. Coming back to the left hand pane, if we look at the tools found along the bottom of the window, we see that we can also create import, save, dillied and purged assets including materials from the scene lists as we need. With the basics of the UI that we will be working with covered then, let's move into our next exercise, and start to take a look at the actual material types that we have available in V-Ray Next for SketchUp.
