From the course: SketchUp: Rendering with V-Ray Next

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The V-Ray Color Picker

The V-Ray Color Picker

- [Instructor] One of the things that the folks at Chaos Group have always done very well in my opinion is add seemingly small and yet, from a workflow point of view, very important tools to their software products. One of these in V-Ray for SketchUp being the color picker dialog that we saw briefly whilst working with the physical camera's white-balance control. To take a closer look at this tool let's first of all kick off an interactive rendering V-Ray. And then after opening up the asset editor access the parameters for the shader ball material where we have a simple gray color sitting in the diffused color slot. As with any color swatching in V-Ray we can click on this to edit the color and thereby gain access to the new V-Ray color picker dialog. Which whilst very straight forward in terms of its usage, does have some very powerful options that we can work with. So first of all we can choose to work in either RGB…
